Ambros Inc 75th Anniversary Fishing Tournament

September 28, 2024

Official Rules and Regulations

  • Entry fee: $150.00 per boat for two persons (Captain and one Crew); $25.00 per additional crew/angler. ($75 with a veteran on board. Must present DD214 or VA card for verification)
  • Fishing hours are from 6:00 am to 5:00 pm on Saturday, September 14, 2024.
  • Weather: Should a small craft warning be issued, or an earthquake occurs that forces the cancellation of the Derby Day, the Derby will be rescheduled for the next most convenient day. The Derby committee shall meet to determine the specific dates for the Derby. Event details will be announced.
  • There will be only one Derby station, the Greg D Perez Marina (Hagatna). The Derby Station will monitor Channel 68.
  • Participants must physically check out at the Derby Station before departure and physically check in after fishing for fish to qualify and for safety reasons.
  • Check-out and check-in of boats will continue throughout the day but must check in no later than 5:00 pm on September 14, 2024 for your catch to qualify. All participants must have their boat (inside the Channel markers) at or before 5:00 p.m and proceed to the Official Weigh Station, for their catch to qualify. Failure to do so will result in a disqualification of their catch.
  • All boats participating in the Derby must have completed an Entry Form, signed the Waiver and have an Entry receipt. The receipt will be issued upon registration and should be available upon request by a Tournament Official. The Registration form must indicate the name of the person who will receive the Derby prize, if their boat wins any prize.
  • All boats MUST submit a Float Plan with Tournament Officials prior to departure from Marina. The float plan information will be kept confidential by Tournament Officials.
  • Vessels will be inspected by Tournament Officials and signed off prior to departure from the Marina. Tournament officials will begin inspection at 4:30am.
  • Participants not having any qualifying catch to report, or are returning late, are required to contact derby officials (Tournament Official) on radio on channel 68 and advise that they are done for the day.
  • All fish must be recorded and certified by the Tournament Weigh Master to qualify for prizes.
  • Electric Reels are NOT ALLOWED on participating boats.
  • A boat may win more than one category.
  • There are six (6) WINNER TAKE ALL categories: Billfish (Shortbill Spearfish; Sailfish; Blue Marlin, Black Marlin; Broadbill Swordfish), Yellow-Fin Tuna, Wahoo, Mahi Mahi, Bonita and Total Weight.

Heaviest Marlin: $7500

Heaviest Yellowfin: $4000

Heaviest Bonita: $2500

Heaviest Wahoo: $4000

Heaviest Mahi: $3000

Total Weight: $4000

  • Special Prize in honor of Uncle Paul SN Shimizu: “STAY IN YOUR LANE” prize and a chance to win $25,000 for the first Marlin 750+lbs is weighed.
  • In the event that two fish weigh the same amount, the first fish to be weighed will be considered the winner.
  • No boat may assist another boat with landing their catch.
  • Transfer of catch from one boat to another is NOT allowed. No other boat or person from another boat may assist in landing/boarding a fish. Any catch being transferred between boats, or a boat being assisted by another boat in landing/boarding a fish will disqualify both boats and the catch.
  • Prohibited Fish Handling: shooting, harpooning or lancing fish during any stage of catch will disqualify the fish. Gaffs exceeding 8 feet or flying gaffs in which rope exceeds 30 feet are prohibited. Firearms are prohibited.
  • Fish mutilated by sharks, other fish or propellers that remove or penetrate the flesh will be disqualified. Injuries or scratches caused by leaders or lines, healed scars or regenerated deformities are exempted. Any mutilation of the fish must be explained to the satisfaction of the Tournament Officials.
  • Fish Quality / Prohibitions: All fish must be properly handled, iced and be of good quality. Fish that are not well kept throughout the day and appear to be old may be disqualified for that reason. Ice them down.
  • Stomach contents of all fish entered for a prize may be randomly checked and removed by Tournament Officials.
  • Only protests submitted to a Tournament Official in writing and within an hour after the closing of the tournament day will be entertained by Tournament Officials. The decision of the Tournament Officials will be final.
  • Participants are responsible for their own safety, actions, and property at all times.
  • All participating boats must observe safe boating rules and regulations. Failure to do so may result in the disqualification of the boat from the tournament. A registered boater will not qualify for reimbursement if disqualification is due to the boater negligence in furnishing the required safety equipment and current boating registration. Vessels must comply with US Coast Guard and Local boating safety rules.
  • Participants are encouraged to assist boats in distress if they are able to. Boats responding to a distress call will be exempted from the 5:00 p.m. deadline IF they have a qualifying catch onboard PRIOR to responding to the distress call BUT must obtain prior approval from the Tournament Rules Official.
  • In case of a “MAY DAY” or “DISTRESS CALL”, the closest boat to the vessel in distress will take charge of communication and rescue attempts. Immediately notify GFD Rescue on Channel 68 and the US Coast Guard on Channel 16, utilizing your VHF radio. On your cellular phone, dial 911.
  • All participants are expected to maintain a reasonable and sportsmanlike demeanor at all times throughout the tournament. Unsportsmanlike or threatening conduct towards tournament organizers or other participants, or any other behavior which the tournament organizers deem inappropriate, in their sole discretion, will result in immediate disqualification of the entire team with no refund of entry fees.